Wednesday, May 1, 2013

You'll never believe what I saw... (Katherine Ulloa)

You’ll never believe what I saw. Someone had to be pulling my leg, I saw my dog shattering my suit which I needed to use today! I could not believe it, I got up to take him but the moment I felt something warm in my slippers, a gift from my dog, amazing. I started to think it was one of those days, was it for real? I went to the bathroom to take a shower and guess what, it was broken, so I had to take a cold shower, I did my best to not getting out running. Once I finished, I started ironing another suit but them my wife called me so I went to have breakfast with her when we started to smell something, then I recalled… the iron! The new suit was totally screwed, this day was driving me crazy, I think I should have stayed in the bed. My wife helped me ironing another suit while I was devouring breakfast because I was running out of time, I got dressed and got to my car as soon as possible. When I tried to start the car, I found out it had run out of fuel, just when I thought this day could not get worst. The only thing I could do was get there in a bus, and when I got to my job I saw the doors closed, and then I realized it was Labor Day and we had the day off.

1 comment:

  1. Poor guy, he had one of those days when you really need to stay on bed! lol
