Wednesday, May 1, 2013

You'll never believe what I saw (Alejandra raza)

There had been an awfull infection in the nearest neiborhood and all had became a sort of zombies! The people were attacking to eachother! They were eating the alive ones! And actually many of the people that lives near me were taking a walk with their dogs or checking if New Mail has arraived. It was actually crazy! Everybody screaming and running around, not knowing what to do. I got scared at hell so i decided to run downstairs to warn My wife and to be silence until everything calms down. Actually we did so. We locked all the doors and the windows in complete silence and went upstairs to hide ourselves! We couldn't see anyone alive outside and we neither were prettending to go and look for help until no dead people were around. Althought we had had an advantaje the dead people, or walkers like we decided to call them were very slow but extremly danger. Se decided to Shary inútil help comes. We waited almost 3 weeks se were starbing and se both were so scared to go out, we hadn't seen a Walker at the time but se preffered to stay totally safe. Finally help has arrived they checked our body to see if we hadn't been beated. Luckily both of us were totally healty. They took us away with them and bring us here.. With you guys, but until now o have no idea what is happening but i'm glad it is almost over. Right?


  1. I love the pick of the cat! =)

  2. You have such an imagination! Zombies!! Hahaha, the pic of the kitty made me laugh, it's so cute :3

