Sunday, May 5, 2013


Cristina Nieto

Urb. La Luz, Zaldumbide and Utreras street, house number E6-42
Quito, Ecuador
(593) 984069862
(02) 2406687

May 5th, 2013

Ing. Adrian Carrillo:

I am writing in response of the advertisement of working as a volunteer in your Reserve.
About my work experience: I have worked in several nonprofit organizations doing volunteer work, I had the opportunity to work in the reserve Yasuni,  I was also involved as a volunteer in the work of the reserve Intillacta, and my last job was in PAE (Animal protection Ecuador).

So I love to work in your reserve, contributing to the development of it, I love working outdoors, I know how to work in group, I get used working with animals, and heavy duty work and I have knowledge in veterinary medicine and ecology that could supplement my job.
Talking about the schedule, I know being a volunteer demand dedication and commitment, so my availability is full time and immediate.

My current studies are in geographical and environmental engineering, and ending the sixth level of English, also i will like to study a second languague, it will be French or German.
I firmly believe that the work you offer fits with my experience and with my skills and knowledge, I would like to get more experience in your reseve, since I've never worked as a volunteer in aquatic reserve.

I would appreciate the opportunity to be accepted and to work together at the amazing stablishment you have, and to earn new experiencies together. I am looking forward to hear a positive answer.


Cristina Nieto

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