Thursday, May 2, 2013

You´ll never believe what I saw... ( Micaela Armijos)

You´ll never believe what I saw...It was raining cats and dogs! It was amazing! through the window I could see how the water was destroying everything, it carried the trees, trash,even was dragging a car .
As my apartment is on the top floor I was not afraid of flooding so I stayed watching the rain. Suddenly I saw that the water was carrying a little puppy, the dog could not stop because the current was very strong.
Despite I was sleepy I knew I had to save that puppy. I left quickly and my wife asked me, where you going? I answered "time is money" obviously she did not understand what I meant. I didn´t know how to save the puppy so I remembered that my neighbor has an inflatable boat, sadly my neighbor was not at home so i had to steal the boat. I thought  the end justifies the means.
I had to fight against the current, I had to dodge the cars and all the things that dragged rain, but at the end I could  get where the puppy was. I took him in my arms and I thought it was too late because he was drowned. Believe it or not, the last thing I could do was give breath snout to mouth...after few minutes he luckily woke up. The dog was still alive. I was filled with emotion I could not believe I had saved the puppy. as the rain was stopping I could return home without obstacles, obviously my clothes were wet and dirty. My wife had been very worried, but when I get home and explain everything she was very happy of my courage and she "said as you sow, so you reap"! So someday someone will do something good for me as I did wth the puppy. I asked my wife to keep with us the puppy, my wife accepted, she loves pets as I do. we clean the puppy  and put him on a blanket, he fell asleep there. The rain had finally finished and everything was returning to as a normal day, except now we are 3 in my family... Haylee, Rain as I named (the puppy) and me! A was very strange  day ...

1 comment:

  1. Your story is so cute, poor little puppy in the flood, I'd do the same :)

