Sunday, May 5, 2013


Mishell Pilco
Panamericana Norte km 5, Conjunto Jardines de Carcelen

Quito, Ecuador
(593) 987436348/ (02)2428274

May 5th, 2013
Ec. Fausto Herrera
Ministerio de Finanzas
Av. 10 de Agosto 1661 y Bolivia
593-2 399-8300

To whom it may concern
I am writing you in response to your current opening for the position of assistant in financial management that I have viewed on socioempleo web site.. I have not experience yet, but I think I could do it, I have been preparing myself for this and also I can handle any situation.
I´m skilled with accounts and how to interact with people to create a good working environment besides I'm good leading people.
At the time I could work in the morning and also the afternoon because I´m having classes at night.
I’m ending the second semester of Economy in the Catholic University, and I have learned a lot of things that allow me to work in this area.
With all these things
will contribute to my competence to become successful in this position.
You can contact me with my e-mail address that is or at my cell phone +593-987-436-348

Thank you for your consideration and your time, I will be waiting for your answer.


Mishell Pilco

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