Saturday, March 30, 2013

Valeria Jumbo´s anecdote :) (Mishell Pilco)

The anecdote that i´m going to tell you is from one of my classmates, Valeria Jumbo. One day, when she was 6 years old and his brother was 4 years old, her family decided to traveled to the beach on Christmas holidays. She and her brother were very excited because they loved the beach, as me too.
When they arrived to tonsupa´s beach they were searching for a hotel but it was really hardest to find one because of the holiday, there were a lot of people and all the hotels that are near the beach, were full, but with the time we found a hotel, it was not near the beach but it was the only one able.

Then when they finally arrived at the apartment, they unpacked and put their things in order, they could went to ate some shrimps and shells at their favorite restaurant “the Flanders”, when they finished eaten they went to the beach to relax their selves and listen the waves of the ocean. When all her family finally established on one point of the beach, valeria leaned back in the sand for sunbathing, but she couldn´t be like that too much time because her little brother started bother her, because he wanted to played and she didn´t want to played with him, her parents forced her to played with her brother

When she finally said yes to played with him, her brother had the wonderful idea to made holes in the sand in order to made some pools there, his idea was good so she help him making the holes, when they had the perfect depth on the hole, they started to filled it with water of the ocean, with a lot of effort they made like 5 trips with the water in some bottles until the funniest incident, on sixth trip, they were taking the water in the bottles and then her brother started ran and he didn´t saw the hole, so he fall down into it…. :), that was so funny and valeria started to laugh, she was laughing for like an hour, but the most funniest thing was that her brother end up crying with laughter as he followed in the hole. Fortunately he didn´t get injure, it was just the funniest moment of the holiday, for all the family. Now her brother has more careful with the things that he do, in order to not make embarrassing things, again.

1 comment:

  1. ooh! I like this anecdote.. I just imagine her brother falling inside the make me smile! i do not know why the falls of others make us laugh...but it is the true, so if are falls of our younger brothers, That's even funnier! =)
    Mica Armijos
