Friday, March 29, 2013

Mishell Pilco's Anecdote (by Ana JuLia Buitrón)

Mishell’s Anecdote

3 years ago, I went to Tonsupa’s beach, with all m family because summer started and we wanted to spend vacations there. Tonsupa was really nice, with a warm sun, soft sand and the crystalline water. One day with my sister, we decided to go to the pool, we were playing to the races in the water so it was difficult to run in the water of the pool, I tried to move my legs as fast as I could in order to make my sister loose, but it was very tiring, but I kept fighting against the water, my sister and I were like Jefferson Pérez but in the water, at the end I won and she hates to lose, so she put a face of threatening me.  And when our father told us to go out of the pool, she started to made jokes about me, saying that I can win her in the pool, but I would never won a race in a land, she was imitating me about how I was running in the pool and she was laughing about that, she told me that she’s better in sports than me that she only left me won this time, she she told me that I was running in the water like a drowning chicken. I didn’t know whether to laugh or be angry, because when she imitates somebody she does it in a very funny way, but this was really annoying and I wanted to give my sister a lesson: a little revenge. And I remembered that: she hates to be alone! Muahahaha I laughed in my mind, so while she was teasing me and laughing, I slowly went out of the pool so I could run to the department. Unfortunately she saw me and then she shouted me ¿¿¿Where are you going??? You’re not going to escape!!!!  Then I kept running while she was chasing me. And there was another pool, so I jumped into it for hiding from my sister, but she saw me anyway and she was running so fast that she didn’t saw that somebody left a banana peel in the floor very close to the pool, so she stepped on the banana peel and she slipped until she fell down on the pool, but before she got into the water, she did a pirouette in the air. And thw worst things is that she landed in a man that shas there, so she drown accidentaly the poor. That was the funniest thing that my sister did on the trip. I was laughing like 30 minutes and when I stopped laughing I saw her and she was laughing too, obviously she was ok and also the man, we had to apologize a lot. But he was laughing too. LOL!!!!

1 comment:

  1. While I was reading the anecdote, I imagined everything that I was reading; I think you totally made a great job on the details of the enviroment during the anecdote making it funnie
