Saturday, March 30, 2013

My Funniest Anecdotes (Deysi Guamushig) ( By Katherine Ulloa)

·     First anecdote

One day, when she was 13, Deysi took a tour on boat, and a guide woke her up to see some dolphins, but little did she knew that her shoelaces were untied, so when she went up the stairs, she stepped on one of her untied shoelaces, which made her stumble,  rolling and finally falling in the water. When she thought it could be more embarrassing, she saw this two handsome boys looking at her and laughing his guts out. She started feeling something moving in her back, so she started to scratch her back, finding a fish-like thing under her t-shirt, she took it and she saw it was a huge frog, she could not really stand frogs, and that made her shout like crazy, trying to get out of the water as fast as she could do it, but she only made this two boys laugh even more at her because the rocks were so wet and slick that made her fall in the water once again. What a shame!

·  Second anecdote

A year ago, a little 3 year old cousin asked Deysi to let her cut her hair, because she thought she was such an incredible and talented hairdresser, an offer that she had to refuse (she said she couldn’t do it later on) because she knew it was going to be a disaster if she let her little cousin do it, well, would you let your 3 year old cousin cut your hair? I do not think so.
Minutes later Deysi was looking for her little cousin, because she has not seen her since she refused the hair cut offer. She found her little cousin in the bathroom with almost no hair in her little head. What the…? The little girl had been so sad since Deysi refused her offer, so she decided to cut her own her in the bathroom. Deysi was speechless at first, but then she started to laugh so hard because seeing her little cousin with almost no hair was such a funny thing. Her cousin asked her what was she laughing at, Deysi pointed at the mirror, and when her cousin saw what she had done to her hair, her eyes and mouth were wide open, and then (this is unbelievable) she started to strike some poses, because her hair style was so unique, can you imagine it? Total LOL!


  1. The two of them are pretty good stories! In the first one i cannot believe it was a frog, i would die, because like Daysi I cannot stand frogs, and it gets actually worst, because she falls again :(
    The second one, is actually the best, because little children are always funny and most of all cute, and althoug her cousin made her hair awful she was striking poses. So nice!
    (Alejandra Raza)

  2. I agree with Alejandra, both are pretty good stories, but I liked more the first one, I would also die if I find a frog on my back and I would scream a lot!.
