Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Once Upon A Time (Daniel Soliz)

Henry was born in a prison in, to Emma Swan; his father was and he had abandoned Emma before learning she was pregnant and remained ignorant of his son's existence. Put up for a closed adoption, Henry was found by Mr. Gold of Storybrooke, Maine, who brought him to the town's mayor, Regina Mills, who wished to adopt a child; she names him after her late father. Henry grows up in Storybrooke, eventually realizing that time is frozen in the town: nobody else ages and nobody else can leave town.
The boy, Henry  has a difficult relationship with his mother, in part because she refuses to acknowledge his stories about the town being cursed and puts him in therapy, where he met Dr. Archie Hopper, who nonetheless also disbelieves Henry. Seeing he is lonely and depressed, Henry's teacher Mary Margaret Blanchard gives him a storybook of fairy tales. Henry comes to see that the stories are real and the townsfolk are the stories' characters, cursed to be unable to remember: Dr. Hopper is Jiminy Cricket, Miss Blanchard is Snow White, and his mother is none other than the Evil Queen who cast the curse in the first place. Henry also learns that he is linked to the stories: his mother is the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, who escaped the curse as a baby and is destined to break it.

Henry is like an adorable and very intelligent child who is quite mature for his age. Like his biological mother, Emma, he is classified as a lonely person, but this could be due to his obsession with the residents of Storybrooke being under the Dark Curse. He is intelligent and quick-witted, that he has received from his mother and grandparents, Snow White and Prince Charming.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi! =D
    we chose the same character, I think Henry personality is excellent to show how emotional intelligence works.
    one difference of my publication is that I though he wasnt shy but you said he was!

    Cris Nieto

  3. Daniel what you said describes exactly Henry. It's really amazing his mature behavior for a little boy like him. Yes, he's very smart and also with a great imagination, but he's also a very persuasive kid but also he names himself a lonely person, ust as his mother: Emma Swan. Good description! :)

    (Ana JuLia Buitrón)
