Saturday, March 30, 2013

Fun Anecdote; Ma. Isabel Tapia (Nicole Murillo G)


  “Long time ago, well not that long... when I was four, I was with my two years old brother on the second floor of our aunt´s house (she has a huge and lovely Barbie collection), we were playing, and having fun, but then I got really bored so I decided to play to be a hair stylist, In my opinion at only four I already had a great sense of style.        
My first clients were some aunt´s cute Barbie Dolls , the first one had a long black hair, and I decided to made a lovely pixie cut to her, my second client was another Barbie Doll, this time she had blond hair until her shoulders, after few minutes of thinking what kind of style was best for her I decided to made her a Mohawk, then I had a third client another Barbie, whit black hair, but I was getting tired of the same kind of clients, I wanted something more  challenging, so to this Barbie I just cut he hair, like a short hair cut, I was getting bored again when I hear a rrrrn rrrrn y realize that my brother was in the same room, he was playing with his cars, and I told him we should play together, since he was two he agreed to play with me.  I started to cut my brothers hair, but then I remember that my parents told me that if cut his hair again (yeah I had already cut his hair LOL) they will punish me, so I told David (that’s my brother´s name) “ You can´t say I cut your hair, otherwise  I will never play with you again!” , I really enjoy cutting my brother´s hair, but when I heard my parents arriving home I decided to hide his hair on a book, that way my parents won’t notice that I cut his hair, what a brilliant idea!
When my parents saw my brother they started to laugh out loud! They said that my brother look like a rat! After few minutes of everyone laughing and enjoying the moment, they went to a real hair salon to fixed my brothers hair. But the problem according to my aunt was not brother but her dolls, she told us that bother´s hair will grow but her doll won’t grow back their hair.  
Nowadays I still have my brother´s hair on my book, and each time I saw his hair I start laughing alone. “


  1. It is a really funny story because it reminds me when I made almost the same thing with my brother but the difference is that I made wrong on purpose because I was angry with him =) (VJ)

  2. Oh dear, reading this made me remind of my childhood, I used to cut my dolls' hair too, but it never turned out right.

