Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Once upon a time (Cristina Nieto)


 I choose Henry because he was the character I like the most; his personality is interesting he seems to know all the things that are happening around the movie, he really is a very smart boy and the one who keeps us focused in the story, the emotional intelligence of Henry, is special, principally because of his young age, he is not only smart, he is mature and balanced. Henry seems to be outgoing, cheerful, social, not shy and talkative.
He is talented in the relationships and with the people he loves, in the movie Henry demostrate he is responsible and that his emotional live is appropriate. He is comfortable with himself and with his environment.
Henry knows how to control his emotions and adapt them to circumstances, how to act in difficult times without causing problems.
Also he is capable to make his own decisions and is able to understand the feelings other people. He is able to express their emotions and ideas, is not afraid to speak and be understood.
In the movie, Henry helps her mom (Ema Swan) to find herself and her role in the story, he went directly and said her the truth.
He was playing his role at the same time the movie was playing. A good emotional intelligence boy will be like Henry, for all his development and his important performance around the movie. He is logically gotten into the world of magic and knows exactly what is happening, when he is talking to her mom (Ema Swan) he is well mannered, he is not quiet but during the story he remains in calm.


  1. For me, Henry is a smart boy, but his problem is that other people think that all he says is just his imagination, and the series draws attention from viewers. and Henry is important character in the series because for he progresses the story. (Ma. isabel Tapia)

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  3. I agree with you, but I don't think he is a social boy, because one of his greatest characteristic is beeing lonely like his mother, and also his teacher said that he has problems making new friends.
    Alejandra Raza

  4. I really like your post.
    Henry had high emotional intelligence because he knew how control his feelings and he could recognize the feelings of others.
    He showed that he had a good intelligent and emotional quotient.
