Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Once Upon a Time (Mishell Pilco)


On the first episode of the TV serie, once upon a time, we could saw the change of the emotinal intelligence that Emma had, from the beginning through the end of the episode. When the episode started, she acted like, she loved be alone and she showed herself very stronger, but at the time that she arrived to her house she realized, that she is alone, another birthday, when she made a wish she started thinking that she needed someone beside her, and that was the time when her son appeared to her door.

Again she wanted to show to others that she didn´t feel nothing at all for him but inside of her, she was very happy, because he is her chance to stop been lonely in her life, that was the reason of, why she took him to his town.  
Then she started talking with his son and in that time she realized that he had some aspects that she has, and she had been starting to feel something for him.
When her son told her that his stepmother didn´t love him and she pretended love him, Emma stopped thinking with her head and she began thinking with her heart. She wanted the best for him and when her son run away from his home, we could see that, she was worried for him, in fact of that, she helped to the stepmother to found him; and when she found him she talked with him and she feel the need to stayed near of him in order to take care of himself.

So with all of these aspects we can say that Emma at the beginning of the history has a high intelligence quotient but she doesn’t develop her emotional intelligence because she is alone. But at the time that her son found her, she starts developing her emotional intelligence, her emotions and her love of mother awakes; her instinct to protect her son takes power over herself.




  1. I agree, when you say that Emma doesn't shows her real feelings and she keep them all inside her. In fact near the ending, she is glad that Henry appear in her live after so many years, and she is happier because this time she didn`t spend her birthday alone. So I think the way you describe her is one of the best, because you've seen Emma the way i did.

    Alejandra Raza

  2. Emma's behavior is kind of special, because as you say, she wants to show that she didn't feel anything meanwhile she was so happy inside of her. I think that it could be useful when you want to know the truth at all about a problem

