Saturday, March 30, 2013

                                             ANa JuliA AneCdotE
The funniest experience I ever had was when I was about 12 or 14 years. Then I stayed to sleep in my grandparents house , I was with my grnadparents all night and we rest well. The next day i had a delicious breakfast, after that, I went to the garden because it was sunny and bright day. My grandparents had a St. Bernard named Celine, Celine was very playful and mischievous. I was sunbathing while Celine was playing, as it was still early I had not changed my pijamas, I was thirsty so I got up to get somw water or soda, suddenly Celine pushed me so I fell down and my pants fell down too. It was the funniest moment I had, my grandparents and also my aunt were laughing. I think that it would have been worse if the neighbors had seen the embarrassing moment that I had at the time. I can never forget that moment.
by Mica Armijos

1 comment:

  1. It´s the funniest history with a dog involved i´ve read about. It´s a pretty good moment you can laugh about with your family. And also you had a lot of luck, nobody else have seen your self without pants. :)
    (Alejandra Raza)
