Tuesday, March 26, 2013

ONCE UPON A TIME (Ana JuLia Buitrón)

Emocional intelligencie of Emma Swan

Ana Julia Buitrón Serrano

Emma Swan, the daughter of SnowWhite and Prince Charming, has a special power: know when someone’s lying. When she met this guy Ryan, at first she was like flirting with him and being nice with him but when she realized he really was, she didn’t react in a good way because she make him bump with the horn’s car, this was a violent way. Also when Henry told her that he’s her son, she locked in the door instead of asking him about that because she couldn’t believe that. But later she acceded to help this kid, although she wasn’t happy about that because she thought that Henry was lying, but she was persuaded with Henry’s “puppy face”. This tells me that maybe Emma seems to be a strong person, but she has a cute side in herself. When Mrs. Mills and Emma visited Henry’s teacher and she told something rude to Emma and she apologized her, Emma acted more maturely and even thought she felt offended she just tried to pretend not to hear that or forget it. During the first chapter Emma acts a bit rude with Henry because she thinks he’s crazy and that everything he’s telling her about the other world where her parents are it’s not true.  But despite that, she really shows she cares a lot about him, and not only because is her son, also because she loves him. This happens when Emma takes Henry to his house and the stepmother confronts her making her feeling bad, but Emma defends herself asking her if she loved Henry. Emma realizes that she doesn’t. With all what’s happening Emma is trying to understand everything and solve the problems that she will have later, trying to keep calm and no overreacting. She’s smart and seems to be a strong personality but she’s a good girl that would help specially Henry because she realized that the boy isn’t happy with the family who adopted him. Analyzing Emma, at the beginning she’s a bit immature because when she had new situations she reacted without thinking but when the story advances we see that she assimilates better the incidentals and she is going to help in anything she can. Also we see that she doesn’t like loneliness, even though she names herself a “lonely person” because she doesn’t have family or friends, but she was really happy (although she didn’t show that) that there were someone in her birthday: Henry. This means that Henry’s company will be really good for her.

1 comment:

  1. Great, I think that for Emma, was so difficult to take the decision to accept Henry as her son, because as you say, she thought that it was a lie but she behaved mature

