Saturday, March 30, 2013

My funniest anecdote (by Alejandra Raza)

The anecdote I’m about to tell is a little bit embarrassing, but here we go.
When I was 9 years old, I made a family trip to Galapagos for the first time; we went with my aunt and my cousins that are younger than me.
I have a youngest brother who at the time was frightened by the water. We all were at the pool playing and messing with him, because he couldn’t jump like all we did.

And he was at the pool’s edge watching and feeling all boring. Because we are kids we began to annoy him and to splash him with water. He was trying to jump, but his fear didn’t allow him to do that. Suddenly I
wanted to make it more interesting so I stand right next to him and I started to imitated him and when I was in the position to jump a wasp sting my bottom and it hurt so badly that I jumped to the pool and screamed as laud as it was possible, all the adults came worried because they didn´t knew what has happened, so I tried to tell them, but as soon as I said that it bite my back all began to laugh so hardly, that I felt sorry for myself and my little brother harder than anyone. It was so painful that I needed to go to the hospital, although I’m scared to the doctors, I must go because it was so puffed that I couldn´t even sleep or seat. When I got there the doctor´s first reaction was laughing so badly because they haven’t heard such a history and my brother kept saying that that was something like karma and that I shouldn´t laugh or making fun of him anymore. After a week that finally it stops hurting me, but it was still puffed and everybody looked me so funny but there was nothing I could do about it. I still have the marc from the sting, and my brother is afraid of water up to now, and he also can´t swim, but all of this make me learn not to make fun of anyone´s fear especially my brothers because it was a really awful situation for me, but a real funny one for the people that have seen or heard about it, especially my family that until now make fun of me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ale, I love your story,I am laughing so hard...... :)
    definitely it was divine justice, but it´s good that you have already learned through this anecdote not to disturb others... (mishell pilco)
