Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Once Upon a Time (Valeria Jumbo)

Emma Swan

Emma Swan is the main protagonist of the series Once Upon a Time, she at the first didn´t know that she is the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming.
The day of her parents' marriage, the evil Queen made a curse on them in what she said that they won’t have nothing of happiness in their lives, so, worried parents found the only one way to save their daughter, it was sending her to the land without magic and she couldn´t back until her 28th birthday.

After she was in a restaurant with a man she catch him because he was trying to escape of his wife, and she goes to her home to celebrate her birthday, suddenly someone call to the door and when she open it there was a kid who tell her that he is her son and he found her online, apparently he has travelled alone from his town which is called Storybrooke.

She looking that the kid is alone and she don’t want to have him with her, she personally returns him to his house with his adoptive mother Regina Hills,  along the way henry was explaining to Emma that he believes that in the place where he lives are fairy tales characters, obviously she doesn’t believe him. But then the kid tries to convince her that it is true.


Analysis of her emotional quotient
In all the story she show a strong emotional quotient because after she was long time in prison and she receive news that she never wait to receive she doesn´t get so crazy she doesn´t have sequels that normally would leave the situations she faced, and she keep calm to try to process all that information finding the better way to handle it.
With that kind of personality she could handle her life as a normal person, in the development of the story at the first she doesn´t believe about all that what the kid said, but later when he shown her the evidence, leading her to that another incredible world she begins to believe and she managed to keep the balance between the real and the fairy world which became her new life.


  1. well, I loved this series, because it isn´t tradicional series, it´s perfect mix for reality and fantasy.
    anyway, I changed this character too, because I like her personality because she is a woman very quitly, even in the moment more difficult. (Ma Isabel Tapia)

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  3. Hi Vale.
    I think your post is very interesting because Emma used her strong emotional quotient to do good things in the story and she developed her emotional intelligence to find solutions and solve problems.

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  5. I like your analysis....I choose the same character and with the things that you read I can complement the ideas that I have of this character :)
    (Mishell Pilco)
