Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Once Upon A Time (Kahterine Ulloa)

 Henry's Emotional Intelligence

First of all, we got to know what emotional intelligence is: Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups.
The character from the series that I decided to choose is Henry Mills. Henry’s emotional intelligence is really high, but I think it is in part because he knows who everyone is because he has read the story in the book his teacher gave to him.
Henry is able to know what each person feels, because he knows what happened to them in the story, so he can know how that person is feeling and why; but I definitely think he is a little obsessed with the story, which does not help anyone else to believe in what he says.
I think Henry is emotionally intelligent because he can picture himself in someone else’s place, which helps to feel empathy for the people around him; and because he is so obsessed with the story, that it makes him put all of his attention on it, and that’s not so good at all.
We can divide emotional intelligence in the following:
o   Self-awareness: this is the capacity of recognize your own emotions.
Henry’s self-awareness is really strong. He has the capacity of recognize what he is feeling in every moment, what makes him really confident I think.
o   Self-regulation: this is the capacity of handle your emotions.
To my opinion, Henry does not have a good self-regulation. I think he can handle his emotions just a little bit, because the majority of the time he is a little temperamental to me, he wants everyone to do as he says, and that is not something good at all.
o   Motivation: this is the impulse to achieve your goals beyond the expectations.
Henry definitely has a motivation, which is break the curse and make Storybrooke free once and for all. I think this one is a really strong motivation, and that is really important to encourage Henry to reach his goals.
o   Empathy: this is to recognize and consider other people’s emotions.
As I have said, the fact that Henry knows exactly what is happening to the people around him thanks to the story, makes him feel empathy for others because he knows that they are feeling.
o   Social abilities: this is the capacity to relate and recognize other’s input.
Henry knows what other’s role in the story is, and he can relate to them because he’s a part of the story too.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. I also think that Henry is obsessed with the book that his teacher gave him and he is not handling they he should; I really like they way you describe each part of emotional intelligence and you compare it to Henry´s emotional intelligence.
