Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Once Upon a Time (Alejandra Raza)

In the serie once upon a time there is a little boy who is ten years old, whose name is Henry. Henry appears as an adopted child, although he doesn’t like his family and that’s why he went looking to his biological mother.

Henry seemed to be a sweet kid who has his problems.
His Teacher actually says that he has trouble making new friends and that he was a lonely boy too. That’s why the Teacher gave him a fairytale book as a present, this book helped henry to see the world on a different way. He believes in happy endings and in magic. Even though he is lonely he thinks in the welfare of everybody in the little town he Lives. He cares a lot of everyone, and he wants to help them, in fact his biological mother thinks he is a bit crazy because he thinks all of the persons living there are fairytale characters and he supposed that they are trapped in other world and they don’t remember anything, this are actually facts but nobody believes that. But he has a beautiful Spirit and he is very hopeful about everything. 

I think maybe he feels bad because he thinks his mom is evil and he feels all by himself, but he is going through that reading his beloved book and hoping on a better Life with people who he loves and that they love him too. Also he wants a happy ending in their lives because he had read a lot about this kind of endings. He seemed not to be a sentimental boy, because when he found Emma his biological mother he just said I’m your son. And she was in shock but he calmed her down. He is very intelligent like her Teacher said and audience can notice because he steal her credit card and nobody noticed it, Also he traveled all by himself  to another city looking after her real mother. He wasn’t scared at all; he just wanted to get to his goal. He is an objective person because he knows what he wants and he really doesn’t care about what other people say or think about him.



  1. It´s a good explanation about henry´s life, here knowing more about him we can understand better why Henry has that kind of control of himself, He is a really smart boy who despite his age he remains calm in hard situations... (VJ)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I thing the same as you, henry has a lot of imagination and he is not too much emotive.... it means, who doesn`t feel happy meeting their real mom!!!
    Also we have to bring out that he is very intelligent...he took the credit card of his stepmother (Mishell Pilco)
