Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Once Upon a Time (Nicole Murillo G)

We understand as emotional intelligence as the ability of persons to identify and control their own emotions, of others and groups. When we analyze the characters of “Once Upon a time”  we can determine if they have or no emotional intelligence. When we refer to emotional intelligence we can describe several points (self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, social skills) that a person with emotional intelligence has. First we need to understand each concept. Self-awareness is the ability of a person to recognize personal emotions; self-regulation, the ability to control emotions; motivation, urge to get goal beyond expectations; empathy, the ability to recognize and consider emotions of other people and social skills are the ability to relate with others.
             If we analyze the Evil Queen/ Regina Mills (Lana Parilla) we can say although, she is a powerful woman she has not the ability to understand the emotions of the people around her; for example she doesn’t know the emotions and feelings of her son and how to deal with them to avoid future problems. We can analyze a specific scene were the lack of emotional control, self-awareness and self-regulation of Regina Mills is shown, when Henry runs away for the second time Regina Mills and Emma Swan went to talk to Henry´s teacher, in this scene Regina is upset and she rushes out throwing everything on her way showing her inability to handle her emotions in a moment of stress. Another scene were we can analyze Regina´s emotional intelligence is when Emma told her that she was spending her birthday alone, in this scene Emma shows her feeling but Regina acts like she actually doesn’t care about her feeling, answering to this moment of emotion with a threat. This reflects her lack of empathy.
            When we refer to motivation and social skills Regina Mills/Evil Queen is well motivated to achieve every goal she has; as an Evil Queen she is decided to have her own happy ending without caring other people, she is motivated to destroy lives in order to achieve her goal. When we talk about Regina Mills social skills, she has qualities of leadership. We reached this conclusion because she is the major of the city and in order to become this role model in the community you need to be charismatic and know how to manage people. As a conclusion we can establish that Regina Mills/Evil Queen although she is a great leader she is a terrible person when she needs to deal with other people and her own emotions. 


  1. I think you did such a good job at describing Evil Queen's emotional intelligence.
    I totally agree with you, if you ask me, Regina has no idea of how to control her own feelings or other's feelings.


  2. I totally agree with you Nicole, you describe perfectly how's the Evil Queen with other people.... She shows that she's not an empathic person and she doesn't care a thing about other people's feelings. She's like selfish and she is just determined to achieve their goals no matter what she has to do if that includes making people feel miserable.

    (Ana JuLia Buitrón)

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  4. Hey girls!, you know? this character impress me much because she despite being a strong woman she has held all her energy in a negative way, and I definitely agree with you she is a very pathetic woman who represses her feelings and she becomes more lonely. Also she reminds me of many people who are very strong but they decided waste their energy in a bad way and hurt others.
    Mica Armijos!
