Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Once Upon a Time (Micaela Armijos)

                                                                    ONCE UPON A TIME
Henry Mills is a major character in the series Once Upon a Time. He is the adopted son of Regina Mills who is an evil witch.
Henry finds Emma Swan the day of her birthday, and he asked her if she can take him to Storybrook, Emma was so confused so she tried to leave him but he begs her not leave him, saying that he has no parents, he has a mother, who is evil and she doesn`t love him, she only pretends to love him. When they arrive to Storybrook, Regina, his adoptive mother was very concerned and she opens the door seeing him, she asked him where was he? He answers that he was with his real mother. So begins an adventure of a fairy tale trapped in reality.
I think Henry has a very different emotional intelligence, he is
a child who is very dreamy, kind-hearted, and humble, he has a lot of faith, and he never loses hope. Analyze the personality of Henry is seeing a child full of innocence, he has a powerful gift, he can convince people, the great power is that he knows how to act in  hard and difficult situations. Definitely he is not spiteful; he has a big heart that allows him to forgive. I think that he represents the side of goodness and purity of the TV serie.

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