Sunday, March 31, 2013

Anecdote by Katherine Ulloa (Daniel Soliz)

Funny Anecdote

When I was like 11-12 years old, I remember we used to play carnival with my family, with water, and carioca. I was in our terrace and I had a bucket with water, and I saw my little sister in our front yard, so I decided to pour the water over her. It was so funny because she almost always cried for my mother to come to scold me, but when my mother came over just laughed and took us inside to eat. When my cousins were with me, we used to use hoses and water balloons to accumulate more and more getting wet. After coughing quite used to the cold but it was worth it because we had fun enough. In the afternoon my mother used to make us hot chocolate with bread and went to bed to watch some horror movies, which at the time used to make us tremble twice. When we remember it now, they laugh. 
It was quite funny because she stayed still in the same place but i felt like i was a terrible older sister. Sometimes thought I had to give more affection to my sister but eventually I was too lazy and did not see any sense because we were kids and we just wanted to play and laugh. Despite everything I think that as a child was more fun things and I didn’t have the seriousness they now have. When I used to go out with my friends just thought about playing soccer or tells jokes and I forgot any problems. Now the problems are that I cannot enjoy my friends. As I was growing up, my parents were dealing with more rigor to the point that it was not completely free of wrong, looks like they made an effort to avoid problems. But they didn’t know that thanks to these problems I was to educate for life and for future problems. Getting back to the carnival, this anecdote is very important to me because it was the last in which I felt as a child completely full to play and feel free to make mistakes, my sister also learned from my mistakes and I from it. If I were to leave a moral would never stop thinking like children, as only they practice freedom without looking for.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's lovely to remember our past moments specially when we were children, a lot of funny things happened and now it's a bit sad that we're already grown ups and we can't enjoy always those moments of happiness and fun .... But it's a pretty story :) I liked it! (Ana JuLia Buitrón)

  3. I remember that one of my best memories was about carnival, I used to play a lot with my cousins and at the end I was completely wet! Good anecdote it reminds you how was the childhood!
    Cristina N
