Sunday, March 31, 2013

Anecdote by Katherine Ulloa (Daniel Soliz)

Funny Anecdote

When I was like 11-12 years old, I remember we used to play carnival with my family, with water, and carioca. I was in our terrace and I had a bucket with water, and I saw my little sister in our front yard, so I decided to pour the water over her. It was so funny because she almost always cried for my mother to come to scold me, but when my mother came over just laughed and took us inside to eat. When my cousins were with me, we used to use hoses and water balloons to accumulate more and more getting wet. After coughing quite used to the cold but it was worth it because we had fun enough. In the afternoon my mother used to make us hot chocolate with bread and went to bed to watch some horror movies, which at the time used to make us tremble twice. When we remember it now, they laugh. 
It was quite funny because she stayed still in the same place but i felt like i was a terrible older sister. Sometimes thought I had to give more affection to my sister but eventually I was too lazy and did not see any sense because we were kids and we just wanted to play and laugh. Despite everything I think that as a child was more fun things and I didn’t have the seriousness they now have. When I used to go out with my friends just thought about playing soccer or tells jokes and I forgot any problems. Now the problems are that I cannot enjoy my friends. As I was growing up, my parents were dealing with more rigor to the point that it was not completely free of wrong, looks like they made an effort to avoid problems. But they didn’t know that thanks to these problems I was to educate for life and for future problems. Getting back to the carnival, this anecdote is very important to me because it was the last in which I felt as a child completely full to play and feel free to make mistakes, my sister also learned from my mistakes and I from it. If I were to leave a moral would never stop thinking like children, as only they practice freedom without looking for.


When I was a teenager a friend and I got a car because we stole it from his mom just for a moment; so my friend was learning to drive and tried to impressed some girls that were swimming in their house, they were beautiful so we wanted to invite they to a party that had place in my house that night; but right after he turned the car on, he made a big mistake, he had to go on retro but he didn’t so we had a little crash in their garden, it was a really embarrassed moment. Suddenly the girls came to us to saw if we were Ok, so when they saw we were without injuries, all of us started to laugh! The problem began when my friend`s mom saw everything through the window and ran away to punished us, luckily, the crash wasn’t hard, so she only talked to us strongly and called my mom to told her about the little accident! I prayed God that my mom didn’t canceled the party, fortunately she didn’t!

At the end we could talk with them, we achieved our goal, their names were Ana Cristina, Andrea Carolina and Ana Lucia. We invited them to the party, I gave my address and phone number to call me in case they couldn’t find my house, but it probably couldn’t was a problem because the noise was heard in the whole block. My friend and I were very happy and excited because these girls were very unusual and totally different of all we had already met.

I remembered I liked so much the youngest, Ana Lucia, the only problem was I had a girlfriend but she usually used to be immature and not very beautiful. This was a little thing I didn’t say to Ana Lucia, but I had to be aware that Priscila should went to the party but I didn’t, so when I was going to kiss Ana Lucia, she suddenly got into the bedroom and separated us! Priscila got crazy and hit her in the face, but the surprise was that Ana Lucia tackling her, it was awesome, until the police came into my house and the party finished! My parents forbade me organized parties and to have two girls at the same party! But the next day in high school my party was the news! That was a nice teen age!

My Funny Anecdote (Nicole Murillo) (By Deysi Guamushig)


Nicole said that she didn´t have the funniest anecdote until last Wednesday; but she had some funny anecdotes since she was a child.

One of her best anecdote was in another country.

She said that one day at holidays of semester 2012; she took a trip to Santiago de Chile with her university´s friends. They arrived to Chile and immediately they went to an Aquatic Park called “El Idilio”; that place was one of the most incredible and big recreational area of that Country.

There, while she and her best friends Anita and Ricky (Anita´s boyfriend) were walking around the acuapark, they saw an incredible big wave pool, and they were so amazed by the creativity and elegance of that place because also it  was build inside a forest.

While they admired the place Ricky gently push Anita and he said in an amusing way that she could fall.
Her friend Anita was a kind of clueless girl; Ricky was just kidding, because he push her completely soft, but suddenly, after a while Anita fell but in slow motion.

Nicole and Ricky were completely in shock and after that they started laughing. Then they helped Anita, but they didn´t stop to laugh beacuse it was very funny. At that moment Anita was very angry because she was a weak girl, and also she fell in a puddle with mud and her clothes were really dirty. That was so embarrassing because around her there was a lot of people, and two bad girls didn´t stop laughing. 
Anita went to the hotel and changed her dirty clothes, later she came back to the aquatic park and she apologized because of getting angry with her best friend and her boyfriend, also Nicole and Ricky promised didn´t do more jokes and neither laugh of her fall.
Anita acknowledged that it was only a harmless joke and although she was a little sad and ashamed, she laughed and her friend and her boyfriend too.
They enjoyed a lot that trip because there, happened a lot of things that bring them good memories and funny anecdotes of their trip.
When they returned they told their friends all activities that they did in Chile and they showed many pictures of that place; Anita remembered her shameful fall and showed a picture with the puddle with mud and everybody laughed a lot.
Nicole and Ricky also said that they had a lot of falls at the aquatic park, especially in pool slide because it was so slippery and they fell in many fun ways.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Valeria Jumbo´s anecdote :) (Mishell Pilco)

The anecdote that i´m going to tell you is from one of my classmates, Valeria Jumbo. One day, when she was 6 years old and his brother was 4 years old, her family decided to traveled to the beach on Christmas holidays. She and her brother were very excited because they loved the beach, as me too.
When they arrived to tonsupa´s beach they were searching for a hotel but it was really hardest to find one because of the holiday, there were a lot of people and all the hotels that are near the beach, were full, but with the time we found a hotel, it was not near the beach but it was the only one able.

Then when they finally arrived at the apartment, they unpacked and put their things in order, they could went to ate some shrimps and shells at their favorite restaurant “the Flanders”, when they finished eaten they went to the beach to relax their selves and listen the waves of the ocean. When all her family finally established on one point of the beach, valeria leaned back in the sand for sunbathing, but she couldn´t be like that too much time because her little brother started bother her, because he wanted to played and she didn´t want to played with him, her parents forced her to played with her brother

When she finally said yes to played with him, her brother had the wonderful idea to made holes in the sand in order to made some pools there, his idea was good so she help him making the holes, when they had the perfect depth on the hole, they started to filled it with water of the ocean, with a lot of effort they made like 5 trips with the water in some bottles until the funniest incident, on sixth trip, they were taking the water in the bottles and then her brother started ran and he didn´t saw the hole, so he fall down into it…. :), that was so funny and valeria started to laugh, she was laughing for like an hour, but the most funniest thing was that her brother end up crying with laughter as he followed in the hole. Fortunately he didn´t get injure, it was just the funniest moment of the holiday, for all the family. Now her brother has more careful with the things that he do, in order to not make embarrassing things, again.

My funniest story- Daniel Soliz (Valeria Jumbo)

It was when I was in my parent´s farm, in a summer trip. I was only six years old and I was trying to learn How to ride a horse, while My family and I were eating the breakfast, I was insisting that I wanted go and ride a horse, I had been long time practicing but with my dad or my mom next to me. That moment my parents were busy developing the itinerary for that day so nobody wanted join me, so I went by myself to try to ride him but when I approached the horse he were looking at me with a face that said “don´t touch me”, I ask to my aunt to help me and she helped me up,  it was my second time alone trying to ride a horse and when I was walking over him at the second lap around the farm I slept over him so I fell down, It was very early at the morning so it was comprehensible. After my fall the horse continues walking normally around the farm I was looking from the floor and I felt down but I hung onto the saddle, my aunt was scared so she called to the rest of my family but when they looked at me there on the floor they just began to laugh and laugh a lot. I began to cry and my mom run to me to hug me and made me calm because I was so scared. After I fell down of the saddle too and I also began to laugh.It was a very funny story because nothing bad happened but at the moment I was a little child and the horse looked too big than in reality is, and also I thought that riding him alone would be easy but I realized that it is not so.

My funniest anecdote (by Alejandra Raza)

The anecdote I’m about to tell is a little bit embarrassing, but here we go.
When I was 9 years old, I made a family trip to Galapagos for the first time; we went with my aunt and my cousins that are younger than me.
I have a youngest brother who at the time was frightened by the water. We all were at the pool playing and messing with him, because he couldn’t jump like all we did.

And he was at the pool’s edge watching and feeling all boring. Because we are kids we began to annoy him and to splash him with water. He was trying to jump, but his fear didn’t allow him to do that. Suddenly I
wanted to make it more interesting so I stand right next to him and I started to imitated him and when I was in the position to jump a wasp sting my bottom and it hurt so badly that I jumped to the pool and screamed as laud as it was possible, all the adults came worried because they didn´t knew what has happened, so I tried to tell them, but as soon as I said that it bite my back all began to laugh so hardly, that I felt sorry for myself and my little brother harder than anyone. It was so painful that I needed to go to the hospital, although I’m scared to the doctors, I must go because it was so puffed that I couldn´t even sleep or seat. When I got there the doctor´s first reaction was laughing so badly because they haven’t heard such a history and my brother kept saying that that was something like karma and that I shouldn´t laugh or making fun of him anymore. After a week that finally it stops hurting me, but it was still puffed and everybody looked me so funny but there was nothing I could do about it. I still have the marc from the sting, and my brother is afraid of water up to now, and he also can´t swim, but all of this make me learn not to make fun of anyone´s fear especially my brothers because it was a really awful situation for me, but a real funny one for the people that have seen or heard about it, especially my family that until now make fun of me.

Fun Anecdote; Ma. Isabel Tapia (Nicole Murillo G)


  “Long time ago, well not that long... when I was four, I was with my two years old brother on the second floor of our aunt´s house (she has a huge and lovely Barbie collection), we were playing, and having fun, but then I got really bored so I decided to play to be a hair stylist, In my opinion at only four I already had a great sense of style.        
My first clients were some aunt´s cute Barbie Dolls , the first one had a long black hair, and I decided to made a lovely pixie cut to her, my second client was another Barbie Doll, this time she had blond hair until her shoulders, after few minutes of thinking what kind of style was best for her I decided to made her a Mohawk, then I had a third client another Barbie, whit black hair, but I was getting tired of the same kind of clients, I wanted something more  challenging, so to this Barbie I just cut he hair, like a short hair cut, I was getting bored again when I hear a rrrrn rrrrn y realize that my brother was in the same room, he was playing with his cars, and I told him we should play together, since he was two he agreed to play with me.  I started to cut my brothers hair, but then I remember that my parents told me that if cut his hair again (yeah I had already cut his hair LOL) they will punish me, so I told David (that’s my brother´s name) “ You can´t say I cut your hair, otherwise  I will never play with you again!” , I really enjoy cutting my brother´s hair, but when I heard my parents arriving home I decided to hide his hair on a book, that way my parents won’t notice that I cut his hair, what a brilliant idea!
When my parents saw my brother they started to laugh out loud! They said that my brother look like a rat! After few minutes of everyone laughing and enjoying the moment, they went to a real hair salon to fixed my brothers hair. But the problem according to my aunt was not brother but her dolls, she told us that bother´s hair will grow but her doll won’t grow back their hair.  
Nowadays I still have my brother´s hair on my book, and each time I saw his hair I start laughing alone. “

Micaela´s Anecdote

One day, the family´s Micaela wanted to go out, because there was a exposition of different food, there was different stand of food. In some stands there was free food. The exposition was very big, and interesting because in there you could to learn how prepared different food. Well, there were two stands. In the first stand they were giving some cookies, the cookies are free and the people could tasted the cookies, the cookies was very delicious.
In the second stand there was ceviche, her mom loved ceviche, and her mom went to this stand and she took a ceviche, she thought  that in this stand of ceviche was doing the same, namely that, the ceviche was free, her mom took the ceviche and she left without paying. Woman who charged at first didn´t realize, the woman thought that Micaela´s mom had paid someone else. the saleswoman asked another guy if he had charged to Mrs. The guy said her that he thought the woman had paid to saleswoman. So, the saleswoman ran to without paying. The saleswoman was very angry, and Micaela´s mom said that she thought that the ceviche was free. The problem was her mom didn´t have money because Micaela have her purse. Then saleswoman and Micaela´s mom  went to look for Micaela.
Micaela´s mom, and saleswoman said her that she left
When they saw Micaela, Micaela´s mom asked for the money, and she paid for the ceviche. Micaela didn´t understand what was the problem, then her mom told the problem, and Micaela  laughed a lot and her mom was very embarrassed and angry.

Since that time, her mother first ask how much it costs.
                                             ANa JuliA AneCdotE
The funniest experience I ever had was when I was about 12 or 14 years. Then I stayed to sleep in my grandparents house , I was with my grnadparents all night and we rest well. The next day i had a delicious breakfast, after that, I went to the garden because it was sunny and bright day. My grandparents had a St. Bernard named Celine, Celine was very playful and mischievous. I was sunbathing while Celine was playing, as it was still early I had not changed my pijamas, I was thirsty so I got up to get somw water or soda, suddenly Celine pushed me so I fell down and my pants fell down too. It was the funniest moment I had, my grandparents and also my aunt were laughing. I think that it would have been worse if the neighbors had seen the embarrassing moment that I had at the time. I can never forget that moment.
by Mica Armijos

My Funniest Anecdotes (Deysi Guamushig) ( By Katherine Ulloa)

·     First anecdote

One day, when she was 13, Deysi took a tour on boat, and a guide woke her up to see some dolphins, but little did she knew that her shoelaces were untied, so when she went up the stairs, she stepped on one of her untied shoelaces, which made her stumble,  rolling and finally falling in the water. When she thought it could be more embarrassing, she saw this two handsome boys looking at her and laughing his guts out. She started feeling something moving in her back, so she started to scratch her back, finding a fish-like thing under her t-shirt, she took it and she saw it was a huge frog, she could not really stand frogs, and that made her shout like crazy, trying to get out of the water as fast as she could do it, but she only made this two boys laugh even more at her because the rocks were so wet and slick that made her fall in the water once again. What a shame!

·  Second anecdote

A year ago, a little 3 year old cousin asked Deysi to let her cut her hair, because she thought she was such an incredible and talented hairdresser, an offer that she had to refuse (she said she couldn’t do it later on) because she knew it was going to be a disaster if she let her little cousin do it, well, would you let your 3 year old cousin cut your hair? I do not think so.
Minutes later Deysi was looking for her little cousin, because she has not seen her since she refused the hair cut offer. She found her little cousin in the bathroom with almost no hair in her little head. What the…? The little girl had been so sad since Deysi refused her offer, so she decided to cut her own her in the bathroom. Deysi was speechless at first, but then she started to laugh so hard because seeing her little cousin with almost no hair was such a funny thing. Her cousin asked her what was she laughing at, Deysi pointed at the mirror, and when her cousin saw what she had done to her hair, her eyes and mouth were wide open, and then (this is unbelievable) she started to strike some poses, because her hair style was so unique, can you imagine it? Total LOL!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Mishell Pilco's Anecdote (by Ana JuLia Buitrón)

Mishell’s Anecdote

3 years ago, I went to Tonsupa’s beach, with all m family because summer started and we wanted to spend vacations there. Tonsupa was really nice, with a warm sun, soft sand and the crystalline water. One day with my sister, we decided to go to the pool, we were playing to the races in the water so it was difficult to run in the water of the pool, I tried to move my legs as fast as I could in order to make my sister loose, but it was very tiring, but I kept fighting against the water, my sister and I were like Jefferson Pérez but in the water, at the end I won and she hates to lose, so she put a face of threatening me.  And when our father told us to go out of the pool, she started to made jokes about me, saying that I can win her in the pool, but I would never won a race in a land, she was imitating me about how I was running in the pool and she was laughing about that, she told me that she’s better in sports than me that she only left me won this time, she she told me that I was running in the water like a drowning chicken. I didn’t know whether to laugh or be angry, because when she imitates somebody she does it in a very funny way, but this was really annoying and I wanted to give my sister a lesson: a little revenge. And I remembered that: she hates to be alone! Muahahaha I laughed in my mind, so while she was teasing me and laughing, I slowly went out of the pool so I could run to the department. Unfortunately she saw me and then she shouted me ¿¿¿Where are you going??? You’re not going to escape!!!!  Then I kept running while she was chasing me. And there was another pool, so I jumped into it for hiding from my sister, but she saw me anyway and she was running so fast that she didn’t saw that somebody left a banana peel in the floor very close to the pool, so she stepped on the banana peel and she slipped until she fell down on the pool, but before she got into the water, she did a pirouette in the air. And thw worst things is that she landed in a man that shas there, so she drown accidentaly the poor. That was the funniest thing that my sister did on the trip. I was laughing like 30 minutes and when I stopped laughing I saw her and she was laughing too, obviously she was ok and also the man, we had to apologize a lot. But he was laughing too. LOL!!!!