Thursday, May 9, 2013

Dream Work (Nicole Murillo, Isabel Tapia, Alejandra Raza, Daniel Soliz)

Our Dream Work 

Our dream job should be very large with several rooms for different activities. The first room is definitely going to be a SPA; the SPA should have a massage room with relaxing music and a special room to do yoga; In the Nap room we must have huge beds and lots of puppies to warm you. An essential part of our work is to have free international food and drinks, such as spicy Mexican food, and fusion sushi. Another room we loved to have is a huge gym with a handsome trainer and a place to do sports like soccer, tennis, and golf.  Also we think or work should have a place for cultural activities such as concerts or theater with international performance. We would like to have a lot of green space with a playground. Another essential thing we should have at work is a video game room with PS3, PS4, Wii, X-box and Nintendo 64. The workplace should have an artificial beach where you can relax, surf and get tan. Also it would be good to have a mini Universal Studios´ Park and candyland inside the company. Last but not least we love to have a huge closet with all clothes from different brands, and it would be better with a personal stylists and hairstylists   

What we received

 We liked a lot, the model we received, we saw a lot effort from the other group. The model lacked a bit of green areas, beach and Universal Studios, but in spite of this had many details, and we loved the gameroom with the little joysticks. We think it was a nice model. =) 

The best workplace (Katherine, Cristina and Micaela)

What we though about:
We though about a zoo; this job is surrounded by nature, animals and fun.
The zoo has a swimming pool, a little park and spa area where you can take massages. 
Also there has to have a pin pong table to play.
This place has green areas where you can play in the slides, fire pole and seesaw. There would be the food area with an ice cream and candies machines, a dinning room with variety of food and desserts. 
There would be also a oure water dispenser.
There would be a place where you can take a nap or have a relax time; the zoo also has a pet day care where you can leave your pet while you are working.
Finally, the windows would be like screens with beautiful landscapes, you can rent a car if you need it.

What we received:
What we received wasn't really what we were expecting, we were expecting to see a really colorful and happy mock-up, with a lot of stuff in it! But it wasn't what we were looking forward to, it wasn't that full and colorful as we wanted it to be, but I guess the group did all they could, and that's what matters.

Monday, May 6, 2013


“Urb. La Luz”  “Gonzalo Zaldumbide and Hermanos Utreras street “, house number E6-42
Phone numbers: 593- 022406687 cellphone: 593-984069862

Cristina Nieto
Personal Information
Date of birth: January 20th, 1993
Nationality: Ecuadorian
Marital Status: Single

Contribute with my knowledge for the development of the company, for my personal growth and to gain work experience.

Bachelor Degree


1999-2012   Primary School and High School "America High School  (Quito Ecuador)           

General Bachelor in "Science"

2012 – until now:  Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador     (Quito-Ecuador)
2nd semester of Geographic and Environmental Engineering

English: 5th level approved, coursing 6th level

Music, Dance, Taekwondo, pet lover, volunteering

Available upon request

CV (Ma. Isabel Tapia)

Carapungo, psj. D16
(593) 95453056 / (02)2426505

Ma. isabel Tapia

 Personal Information
Date of Birth: May 5th.1993
Nationality: Ecuadorian
Marital Status: Single
Manager Platinum Events- Quito
Coursing 4nd Semester Hotel Management at Catholic University.
Receptionist at the hotel "Josue" - Gualaquiza

2010           “Manuela Cañiazares”         Quito- Ecuador
2011            "Univertisity Catholic"        Quito- Ecuador
2013         Coursing 4nd Semester Hotel Management
English: Fluent
Available  upon request

Cover Letter (Ma. Isabel Tapia)

María Isabel Tapia
Carapungo, psj D16.
Quito, Ecuador
(593)95453056/ (02)2426505
May 6th, 2013
Ing. Gabriela Granda
Platinum Events

I am writing in response to the announcement of their website as an event.

Last year for 6 months work at a company event planning. there I unwrapped it in different positions, both to aid installation and utensils, as in turn the hiring the right people for each event.

I think this is a great opportunity for me as I have many innovative ideas for Ecuador to reach position internationally as a major event planning venue for conferences, especially in the city of Quito since every time you increase the number of congress designated locations.

 At present, I am pursuing 4th semester Hotel Management at the Universidad Católica, Quito headquarters. and 6th level of English.

I hope to be part of a company as important as yours. and have the opportunity to speak with you personally.

Thank you for your consideration and your time, I will be waiting for your answer.
Ma. Isabel Tapia

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Cristina Nieto

Urb. La Luz, Zaldumbide and Utreras street, house number E6-42
Quito, Ecuador
(593) 984069862
(02) 2406687

May 5th, 2013

Ing. Adrian Carrillo:

I am writing in response of the advertisement of working as a volunteer in your Reserve.
About my work experience: I have worked in several nonprofit organizations doing volunteer work, I had the opportunity to work in the reserve Yasuni,  I was also involved as a volunteer in the work of the reserve Intillacta, and my last job was in PAE (Animal protection Ecuador).

So I love to work in your reserve, contributing to the development of it, I love working outdoors, I know how to work in group, I get used working with animals, and heavy duty work and I have knowledge in veterinary medicine and ecology that could supplement my job.
Talking about the schedule, I know being a volunteer demand dedication and commitment, so my availability is full time and immediate.

My current studies are in geographical and environmental engineering, and ending the sixth level of English, also i will like to study a second languague, it will be French or German.
I firmly believe that the work you offer fits with my experience and with my skills and knowledge, I would like to get more experience in your reseve, since I've never worked as a volunteer in aquatic reserve.

I would appreciate the opportunity to be accepted and to work together at the amazing stablishment you have, and to earn new experiencies together. I am looking forward to hear a positive answer.


Cristina Nieto


Mishell Pilco
Panamericana Norte km 5, Conjunto Jardines de Carcelen

Quito, Ecuador
(593) 987436348/ (02)2428274

May 5th, 2013
Ec. Fausto Herrera
Ministerio de Finanzas
Av. 10 de Agosto 1661 y Bolivia
593-2 399-8300

To whom it may concern
I am writing you in response to your current opening for the position of assistant in financial management that I have viewed on socioempleo web site.. I have not experience yet, but I think I could do it, I have been preparing myself for this and also I can handle any situation.
I´m skilled with accounts and how to interact with people to create a good working environment besides I'm good leading people.
At the time I could work in the morning and also the afternoon because I´m having classes at night.
I’m ending the second semester of Economy in the Catholic University, and I have learned a lot of things that allow me to work in this area.
With all these things
will contribute to my competence to become successful in this position.
You can contact me with my e-mail address that is or at my cell phone +593-987-436-348

Thank you for your consideration and your time, I will be waiting for your answer.


Mishell Pilco

Cover letter (Alejandra Raza)

Cover Letter (by Alejandra Raza)

Alejandra Raza
Yumbos n50-626 crossing Homero salas

Quito, Ecuador
(593) 999146050/ (02)2546896

May 5th, 2013
Felipe Trujillo, hotel Owner
Iguana Crossing Hotel Boutique
Galápagos, Ecuador

I am writing you in response of the advertisement seeking a manager at your Hotel.
Last year I had already worked On your stablishmen, helping in each department for almost 4 months. That means I know the staff working There already and I know the way each of them works. I know the way the Company makes contracts and the objetive you seek.
I think this will be a great oportunity, because I am also a big fan of the Galápagos Islands and I think the best feauture a Company should have is preserving the ecosistem and I have great ideas to do so. As you already know I van talk english very good, and my german is fluent too. I can have a very good relation with turists. And I can also offer a good service to all of your costumers.

Currently I am coursing 4th semester of Hospitality and in 6th semester it’s a requirement to make internships and I think your hotel is the best choice I have.

I would appreciate the opportunity to be accepted and to work together at the amazing stablishment you have, and to earn new experiencies together. I am looking forward to hear a positive answer.


Alejandra Raza.

Cover Letter (Deysi Guamushig)

Deysi Guamushig
Citadel "León" N26 Arenillas St. and Zaruma. St

Quito, Ecuador
593- 2526-820

May 4th, 2013
Dear Mrs. Duarte

I am writing to you in response to your advertising I saw on your web site. I am interested in opportunities that may be available to volunteer at Intillacta Reserve

I have experience working with PNG reserve and would be thrilled to continue to do so in a volunteer capacity in your reserve.
I would like to point out that I am very skilled in field activities like agroforestry and organic agriculture, I am very familiar with Ecological restoration of ecosystems, I have some knowledge about environmental conservation because now I´m ending the second level of Geography and Environment and I have learned many techniques of environmental reforestation that allow me to work with many kind of projects in order to  preserve the reserve. 
I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about how I could help to preserve the ecological reserve.

I believe that my skill set perfectly matches your requirements because I really enjoy doing several activities related to the environment.
As you can see from my enclosed résumé, my experience and accomplishments match this position´s requirements.
If the Intillacta Reserve has a need for a dedicated volunteer, I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to assist. My schedule is flexible, and I would be available to volunteer at your convenience.
I hope to schedule an interview at a mutually convenient time. I look forward to speaking with you.

Thank you for your consideration.


Deysi Guamushig