Saturday, April 6, 2013

Shayari's anecdotes (by Ana JuLia Buitrón)

(OMG this is emabarrasing, hahahaha!)...I hope you like it, people! Enjoy and comment please! (^ w ^). Thanks for watching!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. well, your anecdote very funny and i understand you because the next semester i going to go to Cuyabeno and listening to your story and I was afraid the same thing happens to me. first because I hate the place was very hot.. and I hate the jungle animals and if my friends do something like, I would kill them

  3. And that's why I don't like scary stories, people!! Hahahahaaha, that screaming was the best I've ever heard, keep going Ana Julia! xD

