Saturday, April 27, 2013

Essay The Little Mermaid (Ana Julia Buitrón, Nicole Murillo, Katherine Ulloa, Alejandra Raza, Mishell Pilco & Jorge Mantilla)

 Have you heard about “The Little mermaid”?  It’s one of our favorite Disney movies; this is why we decided to record it for this class work. Although we based our script on this movie, we’re going to make some changes. We want to give the little mermaid a new sense but keeping some parts. First, we are going to change some characters and add new ones, to make a little twist on the story, also delete some parts, and add new ones in order to the new characters have their own moment on the script. Nevertheless, we are going to keep the songs, because we think they are an important part of the story. With these changes we want to make a new and fresh little mermaid keeping its essence.

            The first thing to change is making Flounder a female, we will call her Flo. We decided to change Flounder to Flo, because we want to make the relationship between Flounder and Ariel more like nowadays relationships between best girlfriends that share everything like dreams and hopes and can trust and rely on each other. Also we are going to add a Queen, because in the original script there is no mother that expresses an opinion about Ariel about falling in love with a human, by adding a mom to the story we want to make it more real, with more opinions about loving someone that is quite different from you, we want the Queen to support Ariel in her relationship with Erick. Also, we are going to add a crab girlfriend for Sebastian, her name is going to be Carol, who loves to sing just as much as Sebastian does, that is our new version of the little mermaid, both Carol and Sebastian are going to sing duets, to give a female voice to the song and make it more romantic. With these changes the story will have a new stroke.

            Besides the changes with the characters, we are going to change the script as well to have a more interesting and fresh story. In the actual script there are some parts we found are kind of irrelevant, so we decide to eliminate those parts and add new ones, with our new characters. For example, we decides to eliminate the scene where Flounder (in our case Flo) and Ariel are on the ship, we are not going to include the shark; also, we are going to delete the part where King Triton destroys the statue of Erick, we think this part with the new character is going to be strong for the new concept of the little mermaid. Finally,  the part  where Ariel follows the eels to get to Ursula’s is not going to be happening, instead, Ariel is going to run away from the sea castle to see Ursula to ask for help, since she knows, Ursula is capable of making dreams come true. Besides we are going to modify some parts when Ariel arrives to the castle but we definitely are going to keep the final adding a new small part were the Queen, approves Ariel relationship, and allows her to leave with Erick.

            Regarding to the songs, we are going to keep them all, because each one express exactly the feeling of the characters on the scene, we found it unnecessary to delete them but, we are going to make the songs shorter in order to respect the time limit established, we are going to sing as a group just the first part of them all, by singing all the people of the group, we want to give more intensity to the songs, with each person’s voice, we want to make the songs more real and with more feeling than the original ones. Most people don´t like to sing but we strongly believe that the junction of the voices are going to make the songs sound really nice, and give to the little mermaid a more real feeling real.

            We want to record the little mermaid for being an imaginative and lovely story. With the changes in the characters and the script and the singing, we hope the story gets a new way, but we want to keep the original idea of the little mermaid. We have major changes but nothing destroys the original idea of this cute love story. We strongly believe this project is going to be really interesting because it will challenge us to make things that we wouldn’t have done before and we’ll learn to overcome predicaments in our life.

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