Sunday, April 7, 2013

Anecdote (Nicole Murillo)


  1. "She was hyper, if you know what I mean" LOL
    I loved your anecdote, I've ever wanted to do bungie jumping, but I'm such a coward! Altought you said "NO! I DON'T WANNA DO THIS!" when there was just 1 sec left, I think you're amazing for doing it, hopefully I'll do it too :)
    By the way, loved the photos!


  2. hahahahaha Good Nicole! I really liked your anecdote specially the part of "I wanted to kill my friends" hahaha ... and also the end were you're thrown to the emptiness! LOL! :D you're so brave I couldn't ever do that! really nice, THUMBS UP!

    (Ana JuLia)
