Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Teacher i couldn't attend yo clases todas because i didn't Feel good but in order i send my homework about cures Here i hope you accept this The weirdest remedi i know for the flu is about puting some vaporu cream On the person chest and back and uppon it some papier paper before going to sleep. It is supposed that this strategie maintains human heat in their bodys and help the people to get better and having less pain too. Usually flu comes with sore throat maybe some fever and headdache too. This kinde of cure helps with the fever too, because the heat stay in the persona body in fact it also make the person breath better and make it stop from running all the time. There are some people that make this healing process during the day too. In fact they usually go to work with this On their bodys, while others just do it at the time they sleep. I am not sure wich one is better and help most, in fact my mom use to do it when i was just a little girl and actually that was the most awkard thing and it wasn't confortable at all but at the next day used to felt a lot better, my throat didn't heart anymore the fever was gone and my nose didn't run all the time anymore. I think it's weird, but it helps a lot i would actually recomend this homemade cure to people that doesn't like to take pills or even go to the doctor.

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