Tuesday, April 30, 2013

She won't believe me!

She won't believe me!

It was 7 a.m and the alarm clock woke me up. That meant it was time to get ready for work, and I was really not in the mood for it. My wife, Haylee, is an early bird type, and I could hear that she was already in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. But even the thought of coffee and breakfast was not enough to get me out of bed. I was going to skip breakfast was not enough to get me out of bed. I was going to skip breakfast and sleep for another 15 minutes, but just then, Haylee yelled from the kitchen, “Alex, get up or you’ll be late!” I pulled back the covers and stood up. The floor was cold under my bare feet. I walked over to the window, opened the curtains, and looked out into the street. You’ll never believe what I saw… I saw a man with an extravagant and colorful outfit, but it seemed like a clown al it wasn’t a clown either. While he was juggling fruits he played the violin with his bare feet. I had a poker face: ‘causeI haven’t seen something unbelievable before, and I called Haylee to see him. But when she came, the man disappeared, and I tried to explained her but she told me “put your foot in your mouth, Alex”, “Honey, I’m serious!!!” “You see?? That’s because you went to drink with your friends, right??” “Haylee, please believe me” “Stop pulling my leg!”. I won’t believe it until I see it… If you lie to me Alexander…you’ll be in hot water, got it?? The man though “I’ll rack my brain to discover that strange man and Haylee believe me!”.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Essay of Tarzan (the rest of the class)

John Clayton is the only son of Scottish aristocrats couple lost in the African jungle in the late nineteenth century. After their deaths, John is adopted by a pack of apes like gorillas, "Mangani", these will call "Tarzan", which in “Mangani” means "white skin."
Tarzan is the modern incarnation of the ancient literary tradition of "hero raised by animals." as it was Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome brothers who were suckled by a wolf, and Mowgli from The Jungle Book, written by Rudyard Kipling. Tarzan's story is based on non-scientific ideas about evolution and social Darwinism explored in the popular literature of that period by authors such as Jack London and Robert E. Howard.
Tarzan's story has been made ​​into a film, forming part of the lives of many children, chose this story to be entertaining, moody, interesting and tell an amazing life having lived among animals. Tarzan is one of the childish movies that were more popular, so we hope we get it right.
When Tarzan was a grown man, he was already very skilled in their wild environment.

He could jump from the trees, swinging from the vines and was capable of dealing with any wild animal to defend his family, however, also inherited a high level of mental ability.

He saw humans again when he was already an adult, In this period, he learn to speak French and English and visit the civilized world, but refuses to return to the jungle.

One day while walking through a jungle Tarzan discovered a group of monkeys stalking what seemed a very rare human specimen; it was Janine, a beautiful woman with long golden hair; when Tarzan tries to help and hold her, the whole dress she wore breaks that was the best moment in the life of Tarzan.
Later, Janine tries to cover her body with leaves and told Tarzan to take her to the camp.
While walking through the jungle, she was captivated by the landscape, as much as she didn’t realize that she had come to the camp with his father.

Then we will continue in the voice recorder our story, adding changes in the names of the characters and the dialogues between them, the story will continue developing into the jungle with Tarzan as the little baby adopted by “Mangani”, and with friends he has made ​​in his whole life in the jungle.
Those are some of the changes we would make through the telling of the story, we want the story been hilarious twist and that each can be contributing something to change the development of the story, so the dialogs we are going to present are a surprise.
Finally we think that our new story of Tarzan will be incredible and amusing because we changed some parts of the true story to have something real, similar to the current lifestyle. We know that the new characters will be so funny and creative so, with the personality of each one, we will make you smile a lot and you will enjoy this story, as you have never done.
As you know, we add more interesting characters in our story so you shouldn´t miss the release of our new story of Tarzan. It has wonderful surprises and it´s very original because each person that represents the characters of the movie not only act, we will try to convey feelings through the voice record, especially at the end because we will perform the song “You'll be in my heart”. We hope that you can feel each part of the story in the final song and enjoy it a lot.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Essay The Little Mermaid (Ana Julia Buitrón, Nicole Murillo, Katherine Ulloa, Alejandra Raza, Mishell Pilco & Jorge Mantilla)

 Have you heard about “The Little mermaid”?  It’s one of our favorite Disney movies; this is why we decided to record it for this class work. Although we based our script on this movie, we’re going to make some changes. We want to give the little mermaid a new sense but keeping some parts. First, we are going to change some characters and add new ones, to make a little twist on the story, also delete some parts, and add new ones in order to the new characters have their own moment on the script. Nevertheless, we are going to keep the songs, because we think they are an important part of the story. With these changes we want to make a new and fresh little mermaid keeping its essence.

            The first thing to change is making Flounder a female, we will call her Flo. We decided to change Flounder to Flo, because we want to make the relationship between Flounder and Ariel more like nowadays relationships between best girlfriends that share everything like dreams and hopes and can trust and rely on each other. Also we are going to add a Queen, because in the original script there is no mother that expresses an opinion about Ariel about falling in love with a human, by adding a mom to the story we want to make it more real, with more opinions about loving someone that is quite different from you, we want the Queen to support Ariel in her relationship with Erick. Also, we are going to add a crab girlfriend for Sebastian, her name is going to be Carol, who loves to sing just as much as Sebastian does, that is our new version of the little mermaid, both Carol and Sebastian are going to sing duets, to give a female voice to the song and make it more romantic. With these changes the story will have a new stroke.

            Besides the changes with the characters, we are going to change the script as well to have a more interesting and fresh story. In the actual script there are some parts we found are kind of irrelevant, so we decide to eliminate those parts and add new ones, with our new characters. For example, we decides to eliminate the scene where Flounder (in our case Flo) and Ariel are on the ship, we are not going to include the shark; also, we are going to delete the part where King Triton destroys the statue of Erick, we think this part with the new character is going to be strong for the new concept of the little mermaid. Finally,  the part  where Ariel follows the eels to get to Ursula’s is not going to be happening, instead, Ariel is going to run away from the sea castle to see Ursula to ask for help, since she knows, Ursula is capable of making dreams come true. Besides we are going to modify some parts when Ariel arrives to the castle but we definitely are going to keep the final adding a new small part were the Queen, approves Ariel relationship, and allows her to leave with Erick.

            Regarding to the songs, we are going to keep them all, because each one express exactly the feeling of the characters on the scene, we found it unnecessary to delete them but, we are going to make the songs shorter in order to respect the time limit established, we are going to sing as a group just the first part of them all, by singing all the people of the group, we want to give more intensity to the songs, with each person’s voice, we want to make the songs more real and with more feeling than the original ones. Most people don´t like to sing but we strongly believe that the junction of the voices are going to make the songs sound really nice, and give to the little mermaid a more real feeling real.

            We want to record the little mermaid for being an imaginative and lovely story. With the changes in the characters and the script and the singing, we hope the story gets a new way, but we want to keep the original idea of the little mermaid. We have major changes but nothing destroys the original idea of this cute love story. We strongly believe this project is going to be really interesting because it will challenge us to make things that we wouldn’t have done before and we’ll learn to overcome predicaments in our life.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Teacher i couldn't attend yo clases todas because i didn't Feel good but in order i send my homework about cures Here i hope you accept this The weirdest remedi i know for the flu is about puting some vaporu cream On the person chest and back and uppon it some papier paper before going to sleep. It is supposed that this strategie maintains human heat in their bodys and help the people to get better and having less pain too. Usually flu comes with sore throat maybe some fever and headdache too. This kinde of cure helps with the fever too, because the heat stay in the persona body in fact it also make the person breath better and make it stop from running all the time. There are some people that make this healing process during the day too. In fact they usually go to work with this On their bodys, while others just do it at the time they sleep. I am not sure wich one is better and help most, in fact my mom use to do it when i was just a little girl and actually that was the most awkard thing and it wasn't confortable at all but at the next day used to felt a lot better, my throat didn't heart anymore the fever was gone and my nose didn't run all the time anymore. I think it's weird, but it helps a lot i would actually recomend this homemade cure to people that doesn't like to take pills or even go to the doctor.

Monday, April 8, 2013


Common Sports Injuries: When to see a Doctor


Guest:  Dr. David Geier – Orthopedic Surgery
Host:  Dr. Linda Austin – Psychiatry

Dr. Linda Austin:  I’m Dr. Linda Austin.  I’m talking, today, with Dr. David Geier who is Director of MUSC Sports Medicine.  Dr. Geier, anybody who plays a lot of sports is going to get injured from time to time.  What are some of the things to think about in deciding whether or not an injury is serious enough to seek medical treatment?

Dr. David Geier:  I think it’s a difficult idea to generalize, exactly when for each person.  It’s not uncommon to have somebody turn an ankle on the field or while they’re running and decide, maybe I need to see go somebody, right then and there versus somebody that hurt their shoulder lifting weights and thought it would go away and a year later it bothers them.  So, I don’t think any one rule is applicable to everybody.  But I do think when the pain or when, say, the locking or catching of the knee or popping in the shoulder, when those symptoms get to where they limit your ability to do whatever recreational activity or sport, when your activity is limited, I think that’s a reasonable time to decide to see somebody.  And not that you can’t do the activity at all, necessarily, but if you’re not able to run as quickly as you’d like, if you’re not able to throw a pitch as hard or with the same accuracy, if your performance is somewhat limited, I think that’s a reasonable time to see a sports medicine physician.

Dr. Linda Austin:  So, let’s just take those two examples.  If somebody comes to you and says, gee, I had an injury several months ago, now I just don’t seem to be able to run as fast, what could that be?

Dr. David Geier:  The question is, do they have an acute injury or is it a nagging problem continuing over time, some kind of overuse injury?  It’s a little tough to generalize.

Dr. Linda Austin:  But what’s the range?  What are some examples of the kinds of injuries that could be significant that could cause that?

Dr. David Geier:  Say, for runners, for instance, it could be something very simple, iliotibial band syndrome, some kind of shin splints, that kind of thing.  But there are some things that if you do keep running through it, there could be problems, such as stress fractures of the tibia, the foot, or the hip.  You could have a meniscus tear in your knee that you could be running on and potentially be making worse.  I think, one, if it’s limiting your ability to perform or if it’s just not getting better, or it’s getting worse, I think it may be time to be seen by someone.

Dr. Linda Austin:  For a typical injury, let’s say you’ve turned an ankle on the field or you hear something pop and then it’s sore, or you’re limping afterwards, or there’s some swelling, what are some good first aid strategies, I guess, to employ?

Dr. David Geier:  Sure.  I think this is valuable knowledge for everybody because you can’t play sports or do recreational activities without getting some kind of injury at some point along the way.  Say, for instance, you turn an ankle, this really applies to most injuries, the first thing is, if you’re really uncomfortable, you get off of it.  Say it’s your lower extremity, try to avoid putting weight on it.  If it’s something maybe not impeded by weight bearing but it’s still uncomfortable, that’s the whole idea of rest, avoiding the offending activity that’s making it worse.  And then ice is really the athlete’s best friend to help get the swelling down.  The sooner you get the ice bag on, whatever the injury, the quicker that swelling and pain dissipates.  Elevation, say it’s an ankle or a knee, lying on a couch, put two or three pillows under the foot to get that ankle or knee above the level of the heart to get some of that swelling down and an Ace bandage to compress the injury.  The acronym we use is RICE:  Rest, ice, compression, and elevation.  Some people add a P for PRICE, for protection, crutches and non-weight bearing, that kind of thing.  Those are some simple things you can do to manage the first 24, 48 hours.

Dr. Linda Austin:  We’ve all seen, I think, at the Olympics, examples of athletes going for the gold who’ve fractured an ankle and nonetheless they keep on and win the gold medal, and so we think that that’s a very heroic thing, to stay in the game despite a bad injury.

Dr. David Geier:  Right.

Dr. Linda Austin:  It sounds, from what you’re saying, that may not be such a swift idea though.

Dr. David Geier:  Right.  The Olympics, it’s hard to turn down that opportunity.  Unfortunately, most of us are not at that level.  And, yes, there are times that you don’t want to run through problems.  Hopefully, they’re not that dramatic.  But, obviously, it should go without saying, if there’s a bony deformity or you’re unable to use your arm or your leg, or whatever it is, you should not only not continue to play, you should also go to the emergency room, or to a physician. 

I think if you’re having really sharp uncomfortable pain, and shin splints versus a stress fracture is a perfect example of that, if you’re really uncomfortable doing your activity, you can make that problem worse and, really, potentially cause a real displaced tibia fracture, for instance, or have a stress fracture that sets you back four, five, six months.  So, this concept you hear at the high school level, and even younger, you need to play through pain, it’s not always the best idea. 

Dr. Linda Austin:  What are the signs and symptoms of a fracture?  I’m sure sometimes it’s obvious that the bone is sticking out, but other times, especially with a smaller bone, it can be more subtle.

Dr. David Geier:  Absolutely.

Dr. Linda Austin:  What are some of the typical symptoms?
 Dr. David Geier:  And I can tell you this from personal experience, from when I was running in college and stepped on a curb wrong and inverted my ankle.  I thought, oh, I sprained my ankle, and six hours later, when I couldn’t walk, I went to the ER.  Yeah, it’s sometimes very difficult to tell.  I mean, it’s not always that the bone in your leg or arm is crooked.  I wish it was always that straightforward, but it’ not.  If you have a lot of bruising and your skin around it turns red or blue or black, obviously, that’s worrisome.  If you have point tenderness, it’s not so much hurting all over the ankle or the wrist, but there’s one particular point that’s just excruciatingly painful, that’s certainly worrisome.  Obviously, some swelling is not necessarily a bad thing, but really swollen extremities are worrisome, and then the inability to use, say, an ankle.  Most ankle sprains, you can put some weight on.  It’s uncomfortable but it’s not such a big deal.  But if you can’t put any body weight on it at all, that might clue you in that you may have a fracture.

Dr. Linda Austin:  What, exactly, is a sprain?

Dr. David Geier:  A sprain is, in varying degrees, injury to the ligaments around a joint, from just stretching it out, kind of a mild sprain, so to speak, to a partial tear, to a complete tear.  There are various grades depending on which joint it is, which ligament it is.  But it’s, essentially, some degree of an injury to a stabilizing ligament of a joint.

Dr. Linda Austin:  What do you recommend for pain relief for, let’s say, not terribly serious but nonetheless uncomfortable injuries?

Dr. David Geier:  I think early on, certainly, Tylenol and the anti-inflammatories, like Advil or Aleve, are helpful.  I think for the swelling plus the pain component, anti-inflammatories, typically, are a little bit better, so, Advil, Aleve, Celebrex, a prescription variety, are probably a little bit more helpful.  But, usually, at least for sports injuries, over-the-counter medications are sufficient.  As much as any thing, the ice and compression, the elevation, are as effective, if not more important for pain relief than just the medication per se because a lot of times the swelling of the extremity is more uncomfortable than the injury itself. 

Dr. Linda Austin:  Dr. Geier, thank you very much.

Dr. David Geier:  Absolutely.  Thank you.